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ICR10 TALK v1.0

By Ian D Spencer DJ0HF/G3ULO



When my PCR-1000 was struck by lightning, well near enough that it fried, I dug out my R-10 to use as a temporary replacement and went onto the Internet to find a suitable (and hopefully free) program to drive it. What I found either only did part of what I wanted or didn't work very well (for example stopping one channel past the active channel instead of on it). So I decided to write my own, I don't make any great claims for it, but it does everything I want it to do. The program most certainly isn't 'bloat ware' taking only around 40KB and I have included some documentation etc. in the zip file to get you started, all together the file is around 187KB so can be downloaded fairly quickly even with a slow modem connection..

It's free for personal use but cannot be sold or modified without my written permission. If you have any suggestions or comments about the program then send me an E-Mail.

You will need to connect the R-10 to the serial port of your PC with the usual CT-17 interface or modified OPC-478 cable. The program should run just fine on any version of Windows from 95 upwards or DOS, though I have mostly used it with Windows XP Professional. Of course you use the program at your own risk and I am not responsible for any damage that may occur. Don't know what's the slowest machine it would run on but shouldn't be a problem with most computers available today even the older ones.


  • One key selection of mode AM/FM/WFM/LSB/USB
  • 100 Memory Banks with up to 200 Channels/Bank
  • Bank and Channel naming
  • Search mode with automatic storage of channels found
  • Configurable start and end freq. for searching + step size
  • Automatic deletion of duplicate channels
  • Sorting of channels into frequency order
  • Adding of search channels to any bank
  • Manual or automatic channel stepping
  • On-screen Help

Just right click on "ICTALK10" below to download the file

Download: ICTALK10


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